Come on Texarkana! It's time to vote for your community once again. Please take a minute to follow the link below to help get a $25,000 grant for an Americans with Disabilities Act, (ADA) accessible park in town.

This is how it works. You make a couple quick clicks of your mouse or use your smart phone and vote for the Jefferson Playground in Texarkana in the State Farm Neighborhood Assist contest. They are awarding the top 40 cities out of the 200 accepted into the program and Texarkana is currently not where it needs to be to win the grant. So come on and support this cause.

Jefferson Playground Future Location
Jefferson Playground Future Location

No matter what side of the border you are on, this park will benefit someone you know. It will be a wheelchair-accessible park as well as walkers and other folks who are classified under the ADA. Military veterans who have lost a limb in combat would like to enjoy time with their families in this park. There are a lot of people in our community and surrounding areas who will benefit from this park and we only have until June 3 to get in the top 40 so we better get cracking on it!

Please remember to use your 10 daily votes for Texarkana - Jefferson Playground.


Scan this photo with your QR reader or go to the website from your browser and then click on Vote Now on the search menu, type in Jefferson Playground and follow the directions to cast your 10 available votes for Texarkana.

Watch this video if you need help on how to vote.

Only 40 cities will each receive a $25,000 grant and your votes decide where the money goes. Share this with your friends and family on Facebook and Twitter so even those who only come for a visit every now and then can help us reach the winning finish line. Voting is open!

Now’s your chance to decide which 40 causes will receive $25,000 grants! Vote up to 10 times each day from May 14 through June 3. Invite your friends to help because only the 40 causes with the most votes will receive grants.

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