kanye west

Kanye West Cancels Vancouver Show on Yeezus Tour
Kanye West Cancels Vancouver Show on Yeezus Tour
Kanye West Cancels Vancouver Show on Yeezus Tour
The two biggest tours of the fall have already run into issues despite the fact they've just begun. Drake had to postpone a Would You Like a Tour? stop in Philadelphia due to technical issues on Saturday (Oct. 19) and now Kanye West has faced a Yeezus tour dilemma.
Kanye West Explains Paparazzi Attack at LAX [Video]
Kanye West Explains Paparazzi Attack at LAX [Video]
Kanye West Explains Paparazzi Attack at LAX [Video]
There's a few adjectives to describe Kanye West's relationship with the paparazzi. None of them are positive. Paparazzi approached him again today, but this time, the rapper was actually receptive to them. He even explained why he attacked a paparazzo last summer in footage captured by TMZ.
10 Rap Songs That Mention President Obama’s Name
10 Rap Songs That Mention President Obama’s Name
10 Rap Songs That Mention President Obama’s Name
Happy birthday, President Obama! What better to celebrate Barack Obama's born day (Aug. 4, 1961) than to honor him with a top 10 list of rap songs that mention his name. Most rappers have been inspired by our 44th president. However, there are a few outspoken emcees who have expressed their condemnation of him...