How do you know if you are experiencing Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder?85 percent of women experience symptoms of PMS, whereas less than 1 percent are affected by PMDD. Therefore, doctors have been slow to accept PMDD.

Usually women experience symptoms between ovulation and the first day of their period. Symptoms can include severe depression, anxiety and tension to name a few.

Let's take a look at the three most prominent features of this disorder.

  • First, your symptoms will be continuous for two months and correspond to your menstrual cycle.
  • Next, the symptoms would be "disruptive to a woman's ability to carry out her normal activities. That's different than in PMS, where most symptoms are mild" according to NPR.
  • Finally, a woman wouldn't be depressed "all the time, just in the days leading up to their periods."

Dr. C. Neill Epperson, director for Penn Center for Women's Behavioral Wellness, served on a work group to update the manual. Now that more information has been gathered on this disorder, PMDD was given it's own entry instead of lumping it with "not otherwise specified" category.

Hence, women are now talking more openly about their symptoms as well as ways to cope on social networking sites such as Twitter. Once you realize what is happening to your body, it's only natural to share your story with those who truly understand what you are going through.

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