Our featured pet this week is a shepherd puppy named Dingo from the animal shelter in Texarkana. He is one smart pup, too. He already knows how to play fetch and even brings the ball to you. He would make a great family pet. He isn't too rough for young children either. I would estimate his age at 3 months. This boy is an adorable, smart and fun puppy. You better scoop him up quickly.

I'm surprised that Dingo is still at the shelter. He gets along great with other dogs and loves to rough-house play with them. He has a lot of puppy left so be sure to spend some time with him in the exercise area to get to know him. I fell in love immediately. He is great on a leash, too. What a joyful puppy. He weighs approximately 25 pounds.

If you are interested in adopting, fostering or sponsoring a dog, please contact Bertha at the animal shelter by calling 870-773-6388, option 3. If you sponsor a dog, that means that you will pay the fee to have the dog fixed and get a rabies vaccination. Once that is done, the adoption fee will only be $40, which makes it much easier to get a dog adopted from the shelter.The Animal Care and Adoption Center in Texarkana, Ark., is our only animal shelter in town. They have a few hundred dogs and cats that need to be reclaimed or adopted. Room is always an issue at a city animal shelter. We feature an animal each week to help get the word out about many of these great pets.

Please visit the shelter's Facebook page to see if there is an animal there that you would be interested in adopting, fostering or sponsoring.

NEW shelter Facebook page
NEW shelter Facebook page

It is so unfortunate that there are so many dogs and cats euthanized every week in our local shelter. It is up to the community to prevent it. Spay and neuter your pets. Volunteer to help educate citizens about the need to fix their animals. Share this post on your Facebook page and Tweet about it, too.

The shelter's adoption fees range from $40 to $144, depending on the gender and size of the animal or whether they have been spayed or neutered yet. You can also have your pet microchipped for only $20 right at the shelter. That way if your pet is ever lost, he or she can be returned to you quickly.

If you would like to foster a dog, contact the shelter to get information about dog rescues in our area that can help.

The Animal Care and Adoption Center is located at 203 Harrison St., Texarkana, Ark. 71854 and is open Monday through Friday from 11AM and 5PM and Saturdays from 11AM to 2PM.

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