Where will your pets be sleeping this holiday season? Chances are they will be somewhere warm and comfy, smelling the wonderful odors of a Thanksgiving dinner. The animals at the Animal Care and Adoption Center in Texarkana will not have that same type of enjoyment.

In years past, before my dog rescue got so big, I would often go to the shelter on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and bring a dog home for the holidays. It might be a stray whose owner did not reclaim it or a dog that was given up for one reason or another. The breed of dog was never an issue. I let the dog pick me. I ran across this photo and thought to myself "Wow, look at all of those sweet faces that need homes" and "wouldn't it be nice if they were in homes instead of look at me taking this photo."

There are so many animals at the shelter that would love to have a home for the holidays. Please consider visiting our local shelter either in person or online to find an addition to your family.

On the adoption floor at our local shelter there are 63 dogs, 34 cats and 14 kittens. The shelter took in 108 animals last week and euthanized 42. There are 61 dogs and 30 cats in the downstairs holding area that are waiting for the owners to pick them up or hoping for a spot to come open on the adoption floor.

Dog Rescues:

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