
Exuberant Fan Catches Obama In Crushing Bear Hug
Exuberant Fan Catches Obama In Crushing Bear Hug
Exuberant Fan Catches Obama In Crushing Bear Hug
While on the campaign trail in Fort Pierce, Florida, yesterday, President Barack Obama found himself on the receiving end of a monster bear hug courtesy of a 6-foot, 3-inch tall restaurant owner weighing 260 pounds. Where's the Secret Service when you need them?
President Obama’s Website Gets More Visitors Than All His GOP Rivals Combined
President Obama’s Website Gets More Visitors Than All His GOP Rivals Combined
President Obama’s Website Gets More Visitors Than All His GOP Rivals Combined
Looks like President Obama’s re-election campaign is well on its way to having the same kind of digital success that helped him secure the presidency in the first place. According to a recent Nielsen analysis, the president’s website attracted more unique voting-age visitors than the sites for the four remaining GOP candidates — combined.
Are Black Women Invisible? A New Study Says Yes.
Are Black Women Invisible? A New Study Says Yes.
Are Black Women Invisible? A New Study Says Yes.
It seems like an odd question, especially considering how the media has been clamoring over the recent debut of OWN, The Oprah Winfrey Network, or how Michelle Obama took the nation, and the world, by storm when she swept grandly into the White House, but for the rest of us..."regular" black girls...feeling invisible can be a very painful reality.