It's the dog days of summer and presidential race is hitting the silly season.It is like the campaigns are bored and don't know how to get attention focused on themselves. The conventions are still several seeks away and the all important debates still to come in September and October.

For now it is annoying television ads and insults and cutesy words tossed about.

This week along President Obama described Mitt Romney's plans as Romney Hood, in which the Republican presumptive nominee countered that the President  was talking Obama loney.

Am I the only one that would like to see the two candidates for the highest office in the land act and be more presidential in nature? It would be nice to see a campaign from both sides that focused on what each would do positively for America, instead of negative ads used to scare voters from their opponents.

However, its partly the voters fault, for if negative ads did not work they would not be employed by campaigns.


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