Ron Bird is one of those people that always has to keep lots of balls up in the air at once. Whether he is juggling the management of five radio stations, training his sales staff, coordinating events or directing his programming team, he always has plenty to do. But it is his family that keeps him grounded and for which he is thankful this year as we wrap up our 28 days of thanks.

Of course I am thankful for my family.  I have been truly blessed to have a wonderful wife, and two great children.  But also I have been blessed to have great parents and siblings as well.

I am also thankful for all (well, almost all) of the people that I grew up with, have worked with, and have been friends with.  So much of who and what we are is shaped by other people and our relationships and experiences with them.

I am also thankful that I was born in this great country.  We often forget how fortunate we are that we were born in the USA, and the advantages, opportunities, and freedom that this affords us.  Too often I think we focus on our differences instead of our common ideals and I can only hope that we can change that to keep this country the greatest place in the world to live."

About Ron Bird

Ron Bird was born and raised in Wichita, Kan.  He has been a Texarkana resident for 14 years.  Ron has spent 25 years in the media business and was a swim coach for 13 years prior to that. His hobbies include couch potato sports and trout fishing with friends and family.

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