Something as simple as this can save you some money when it comes to maintaining you Central Heat and Air units... and I think most all of us would like to save some money.

via Jeff
via Jeff

Clean the coils on your outdoor AC unit. Had a problem earlier today, the fan wasn't blowing and just sat there buzzing like it wanted to but just couldn't. I called a repairman, and it turns out that my problem was the capacitor (parts and labor $125). That's not what I would call a really "high dollar" repair, but I could have kept that money if I had just done a little maintenance. The reason the capacitor went out is because their was so much dirt, dust, and debris in the coils that no air was getting to it, and it burnt itself out.

So, occasionally take a water hose with an adjustable sprayer and spray out the coils on your outdoor a/c unit... especially at this time of year...

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