Soon the temperatures will drop and what could be more fun than sharing ghost stories with friends around a campfire?   Oh, and Arkansas has some doozies! 

Here are four creepy urban legends. Have you heard or experienced any of these?


 Avon Cemetery in DeQueen

Photo by John Thomas on Unsplash
Photo by John Thomas on Unsplash

According to the website if you throw a rock down the well that is in the center of the cemetery you will hear a baby cry. Yikes! Of course, you have to be brave enough to get to the well at night in the first place. Legend has it that before it was a cemetery a woman was at the well and her baby fell in. People have also reported seeing a woman running through the area in search of her baby. Pretty scary but sad too.

The Gurdon Lights


Photo by Gabriel on Unsplash
Photo by Gabriel on Unsplash


The Gurdon Lights are seen in a wooded area of Gurdon, Arkansas on a railroad track that is no longer in use. There are actually two stories that go with the light that people see in the area. One is the story of a railroad worker who fell on the tracks and then a train came and severed his head. At night when they see the light it is supposedly the man walking the train track looking for his head!

The other version of the story According to Encyclopedia of ArkansasThe light seen is from a true murder that took place in 1931. William McClain, was a foreman with the railroad company and got into an argument with one of his employees, Louis McBride, about the number of days McBride was being allowed to work.

During the Depression, the company did not have the option of giving McBride more hours on the job. McBride became very angry, hit McClain on the head with a shovel, and beat him to death with a railroad spike maul or a spike hammer. The Gurdon Light was first sighted shortly after this murder, and many have come to believe that the light is actually McClain’s ghostly lantern glowing.

 McBride confessed to the murder and was executed.

The Lady in Black


Photo by Mahdi Bafande on Unsplash
Photo by Mahdi Bafande on Unsplash

This one is about young love and heartbreak. It took place in Arkadelphia. Arkadelphia is home of two universities (Henderson State University and Ouachita Baptist University) and there is a big rivalry between the schools. According to the legend, back in the 1920s, there was a student from Henderson named Josh and he was dating Jane. She was a student at Ouachita. His friends teased him, then threatened to not be his friend because she went to the other school. He finally broke up with her and at the worse time, homecoming. She was so distraught she put on a black dress and veil and jumped off a cliff to her death. Locals say that every year around homecoming you can see her walking across campus looking for the guys that made her boyfriend break up with her. Other stories say she walks the halls of the dorm she lived in looking for the

The Phantom Hitchhiker


Photo by Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash
Photo by Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash

This story is also known as the Vanishing Hitchhiker and takes place just south of Little Rock on old Highway 365. If you travel on this road on a dark rainy night, be on the lookout for a young woman in a white dress standing on the side of the road. This urban legend has it that drivers have stopped for her and she says she's been in an accident and needs a ride home in the nearby town of Woodson. When they get to the house she disappears. Legend has it that one man actually was brave enough to go to the house and knock. The person that answered said that their daughter died in a car accident years ago. Yikes!  Now that is Creepy!

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