Next Tuesday night, April 24 at North Ridge Country Club ladies you don’t want to miss Girls Night Out. I know, I’m a dude, what would I know about Girls Night Out, right!

Plenty, thank you.

This will be my third GNO and let me tell you the ladies have a great time at this event. I just try to stay out of the way and make announcements on who the lucky winners of the door prizes are. You however will be entertained, fed, do some shopping and of course get pampered throughout the evening.

You might win a gift bag from Dillards and Christus St. Michael, take a seat for an eye makeover from Dillards, Beauti Control or Mary Kay. How about a hair and nail makeover by the Texarkana College Cosmetology crew, or a massage by Touch from Health.

Plus chances to win more door prizes including a $500 shopping spree from Home Zone.

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