Even if you aren’t sure if you believe in ghosts, there are some pretty freaky, and unexplained things happening in East Texas.


Some pretty strange happenings have been reported in Marshall Texas, including a woman’s face that appears in a window of the historic court house, an empty rocking chair that rocks back and forth, and a house where the lights go on and off at random, and no electricians have been able to figure out why.

Last October a lot of paranormal activity was found in Marshall during an investigation of Marshall’s old City Hall.  Given all of the evidence they have discovered there, paranormal groups across the country have decided that Marshall Texas will be home to the First Annual Ghost-Con, and the conference is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on August 18, at the Marshall Visual Arts Center locate at 208 Burleson Street.

Ghost-Con is for paranormal professionals, want-to-be investigators, and people who just want to know more about paranormal activity, or how to investigate.

Some pretty famous names will be attending the conference, including “Everyday Paranormal” founders, Brad and Barry Klinge of San Antonio.  You may have seen them on The Discovery Channel show “Ghost Lab”, and the new internet series, “The Dead Truth.”

Clairvoyant medium and psychic paranormal investigator Dakota Lawrence will be a guest speaker.  She has appeared on “Children of the Grave II” on the SyFy Channel.  Other speakers will include best selling author, Larry Flaxman, and author Mitchel Whitington.

There will also be a Historic Ghost Walk of downtown Marshall, and a nighttime cemetery tour.

Do you want to be part of a paranormal investigation, and work with some of the biggest names in the field of paranormal investigation, and explore some of the spookiest places in Marshall?  There are only 50 spots available, and it costs $60.00.

For more information visit their website, or call the Marshall Convention and Visitors Bureau at (903) 702-7777.

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