Bidding ends today at 7PM in the Seize the Deal auction for the Barbell Butterfly Fitness Package from Barbell Butterfly. Currently, the bid is less than half of the retail price. This is your opportunity to get in shape with a program designed specifically for women.

Barbell Butterfly empowers women through health and fitness using a comprehensive approach involving nutrition education, motivational goal setting and weight lifting. This Barbell Butterfly package is an individualized program that includes:

  • Personal coaching
  • Weekly goal meetings with your coach
  • Nutrition education
  • Health and nutrition coaching and 20+ hours of personal training
  • Gym assessment
  • Gym membership
  • Transformation tool kit
  • Daily motivations
  • Membership in the Barbell Butterfly transformation group

A great way to build up your strength both mentally and physically. You will have fun and come away looking and feeling great.

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