We went to the Liberty Eylau year end concert to hear the bands from the different LE schools, and in the row below us, in the seat in front of mine sat a pretty little girl named Sara.

As the full crowd waited for the bands to begin, Sara smiled a big snaggle toothed grin at us and fidgeted in her seat like most 6 year-olds do.   She was very proud of her new hearing aids, and she showed them off to my wife with a big happy grin.


I snapped a quick pic, and of course Sara wanted to see.  I leaned over to show her the photo on my phone, and she saw a picture of my dog, and she perked right up, and exclaimed “dog”.  Mostly with sign-language and help from her grandma, Sara told me that she had a dog, then her face went as sad as you could imagine, and she waved her hands side to side and made the sign language gesture to tell me  “her dog had died”.

I don’t know sign language, and there is no way for me to explain the gesture she made with her hands, and the look of sadness on her face accurately here, but I knew exactly what she meant, before her grandma could even utter the words.  My heart broke for that sweet young girl, with all of the trials she’s had, and lost her dog too… I thought I might even get a little “misty-eyed” right there in the Rader Dome at Liberty Eylau High School.  Bless that little girls happy heart!

A few seconds later, the LE High School Band began the show, and Sara’s face again lit up and held a giant grin, as she pointed at the band with one hand and her ear with the other…  She could hear music!

Seeing this gave me a totally new appreciation for the magic in all forms of music, and I am thankful that I was there to experience this concert, and meet Sara.


The Liberty Eylau High School Band had a superlative year. (Superlative is my new word, because I heard the band director use it many times…we tease because we love.)  But seriously, the band had a great year receiving top honors in multiple marching, and orchestra events.  I was very proud of them, and all that they accomplished this year.  I want them to know that on top of all of the awards, sweepstakes, and the glory you earned in competition, tonight you made a little girl very happy, with the beautiful music you made.

By the way, the Ray Charles Tribute was AWESOME!

If you, or someone you know has, or suspect they may have a child with a hearing problem, here is a site of resources for parents of deaf and hard of hearing children.

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